Reflections on Ely’s year – 2022

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Recruitment Specialist

Learnings from 2022:

  • It’s important to push myself out of my comfort zone, that’s where most of the magic happens. 
  • Celebrating my small wins, not just the big ones.
  • Looking after ‘Me’ physically and mentally must be non-negotiable. I fell head over heels for Pilates reformer classes this year. 
  • Control the controllable. There will be uncertainties in a recruitment process, in people’s behaviour, in organisational behaviour and it’s the constant work that you put in that brings results.
  • My young family started gratitude dinners this year.  We say it out loud, the three things we’re grateful for this week – the good and bad. My eldest daughter’s (she’s 9) answer last week was the roof over her head, and that her younger sister (she’s 2) was ‘less’ annoying that week. My two-year-old daughter mumbled ‘chips and ‘cucumber’. Practising gratitude and having a grateful flow keeps us all grounded. I kind of feel like we missed out for not starting this practice sooner.

Top three highlights for the year:

  • Results

Meeting my KPIs and the candidate/company results after I slot a candidate in gives me the most satisfaction. We achieve our P.J. Vision when I hear the impactful and positive contributions of those leaders I’ve placed into the role, it’s music to my ears!

This is always made possible with a mountain of sheer perseverance as a Recruitment Specialist and determination. At P.J. we have a thriving work culture. We back each other up, celebrate our wins and reflect and learn from our losses.

  • My funny misadventure in Griffith, Regional NSW.

We like to attend a client site, where possible, to take our job briefs. Especially important if it’s a regional or rural job we are recruiting. So, it was my time to shine and go to Griffith to pick up a General Manager (CEO equivalent) job.

I arrived in Griffith by plane, I had a fantastic time catching up with our candidates and clients during the day. When it was time to return to Sydney, my return flight was cancelled. Not once but three times. We were put up by the airline for the night, it was a pretty dodgy scary motel, and I was rescued and stayed overnight with someone I had placed in a job down in Griffith months prior. We now have this amazing friendship. Some good Griffith wine and laughter that night was had.  

The next day was the Icing on the cake. All the passengers who got to stay in Griffith overnight were transported by bus to Wagga Wagga, two hours away.

What was supposed to be a ‘down to Griffith and back in the day’ had turned into a two-day long event.  

  • Growth, lots of it! 

I love being part of a unified team with a combined growth mindset. I’m being continuously guided by PJ, doing courses to develop my skill set and being introduced to a fabulous mentor through the recruitment industry association has been a real highlight for me. Individually we’ve all become an expert in something this year! I feel very grateful to be a part of the P.J. dream team.  

What my holiday looks like end of 2022:

My two daughters, husband and I are off to Nelson Bay and then Jindabyne after Christmas. I am very much looking forward to being immersed in nature and its offerings – beach, hiking, and exploring new spots while chasing my energizer bunny toddler.